Saturday, 4 May 2013

Pre-race irks.

So tomorrow is the Goodlife Toronto Marathon. 

The day before the race is always usually hectic filled with nerves, and today isn't any exception. In fact, me and "Miss Understood" (a new nickname she just coined!) are getting sensitive tummy issues and insomnia, in general. Hope it isn't a sign of things already going wrong....

Bleugh. Best to forget about things and just let our bodies do what they're familiar at doing. Getting up, running, pushing the limits, and back to being goofy individuals!

I've done many marathons, but that doesn't make them any easier or any less daunting! Miss Understood has her first official half-mary tomorrow! Yay!

Other than that, my brother arrived this morning! Woohoo! Always good to see him. Sucks he can't stay for long and he has to see my all edgy and worked up for the 2 days he's spending here! We all went and watched Iron Man 3 a few hours ago. Pretty good entertainment! 

Weird that us endurance junkies always relate "Ironman" to 9-15 hour test of pain, endurance and mental fortitude, while the rest of the world just labels us "crazies"!

Song of the day has to be: Time by Hans Zimmer...been stuck in my head for 24 hours already. How do I link videos to this post? Hmm, gotta figure that one out.

Anyway, will try to post again tomorrow, hopefully not in a trashed or disappointed state!

Keep pedaling.

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