Thursday, 18 July 2013

Back to indoor training and hill repeats...

Now that the intense racing period is over (more Race Reports coming soon!)....its back to the 'ol Indoor Trainer workouts and brick runs.

This week's workout was particularly nasty. Not "that" long compared with what I'm used to, but trying to build some muscle to handle all those hills in Switzerland, I set out to do a hard 3.0 hour indoor trainer workout followed by some "easy" pace hill repeats for an hour.

The bike workout went OK. Not too hard actually. Motivation was kinda low after a crazy past few days at work, so I started at around 6:20 pm. Watched TdF videos on Youtube to keep me entertained, but for the most part, this Trainer Road workout keeps you mentally engaged. Especially with those godforsaken 30s sprints thrown in after 2 hours 50 mins  of intervals and drills. 
Some PM dropouts in the middle, but a good consistent effort overall. If only the weather and terrain outside was this predictable....

Now, by "easy" hill repeats, I mean, dont hammer up the hills, just cruise along...even if I haven't gotten better at hills at all, this is the one thing I've learnt. Pacing on the uphills so I don't fall on my face coming down the other side if I cant feel my legs! :D

Must say though, its kinda hard to try and cruise along when the gradient in each repeat averages 6.5%, with the middle part at 8.5%. At least I'm not scared of this damn Poplar Plains Road anymore! Yayaya!

Reached back home around 11pm and just finished  eating my pizza at midnight! :D

The only downside to doing these hills is that the World ITU Distance AG Duathlon championships in Ottawa are only 3 weeks away, and I'm really losing some speed in the flat course, since that is a different type of suffering altogether!

Ah well, Powerman Zofingen isnt that far away, either! Shit.

No racing for me till the Ottawa World's, but Garima has her eyes set on her first triathlon of this year for Sunday (too much focus on duathlons this year, she says..). Its an Olympic Distance Tri and right in our backyard, literally. The 10k run is flat on a bike path by the lake, the bike is on the DVP (think Ride for Heart...) for 40k, and the 1500m swim, arguably the nastiest part, is in the murky waters of Toronto Harbourfront docks. Wish her luck!

Keep pedaling.

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