Garima is currently too lazy to write her version, so here's mine:
The course mainly takes place on the roads
adjacent to the Ottawa River heading West from downtown. I know these
roads. This is where I first learnt to enjoy cycling in my days as a
co-op student commuting to work on my bike. Good times.
Shot of the transition set up |
There were a few
hiccups with the transition setup one day before race day, and it was
generally frustrating, but the organizers did everything to make sure
everything got set up properly on the morning of the race, and the race
itself was flawlessly organized and executed.
the bike course is flat except for a bit of a hill/flyover heading out
in the first km. Like a bit of false flats here and there, but no change
in elevation to speak of. This course was all geared up to be faaast
and set a Personal Record (PR) for everyone.
Chilly before the storm... |
men over 35 started 10 mins ahead of us, and I was in the last wave to
start. Garima was almost done with her first 20k loop of the bike by
this time. Men 18-39 lined up at 8:45 am for the start and exchanged
words of encouragement. Then the air horn blared the start of the
Run 1
stayed calm and was not surprised by the usual flurry of athletes
starting off way too fast. I told myself to let them go and they’d come
back to me in a mile or so.
1 km done in
3:45, slightly too fast, I thought. Then, the 2-4 people I was running
with sped a few seconds away from me. Suddenly, out of the 100 people
under 35 that started with me, I was alone. A simple thought entered my
head: .”..OK, I know a lot of people passed me in this first km, but I’m
still going at ~16 km/hr, surely, I can’t be the last one. Can I?” I
was genuinely afraid to look back, but I did and only saw a handful of
athletes behind me. I just shook my head in surprise at how fast
everyone else was going at this point.
first curveball came after the turnaround ....I noticed there weren’t
any km markers. We were told they’d be present. Nope, not a sight of
them. I had to borrow a watch from a co-worker this week since my GPS
watch died a few days ago, so I was unfamiliar with its functions and
generally just went by feel.
spotted a couple of familiar faces: Erik Box, Florian Ong, Adam Foley
and one or two more guys who I compete against in local events. Erik is a
monster on the bike but I generally beat him in the runs, Florian is
faster than me at running (and cycling!) by roughly 2 mins and Adam is
slower than me by the same amount. So I just told myself to trust my
judgement and land myself somewhere between Florian and Erik.
the first of two loops, I was heading back out into the headwind when I
was hit by a nasty gust and my cap flew away. I just carried on and
settled into a rhythm and passed about 5-10 people on the way into T1.
My goal was to do the run under 40 mins and I saw a 39:XX as I crossed into transition and felt pleased.
After the first loop of the run...(Thanks to our Team Manager/Physio David Frake) |
the race, everyone agreed that the course was not in fact shorter than
10k (9.9 km was promised), but it was actually close to 10.4 km. Well,
that explains my high HR!)
Distance: 10.39 km
Time: 39:52
Pace: 3:49 min/km (15.66 km/hr)
This means I did the 10.0 kms in 38:21!! Whoa! You know what that means for the bike ride..
I mentioned that this is a flat and fast course? In everyone’s opinion:
“This is a PR course”. Well, I was wrong...and so was everyone else. On
the day of the race, the roads/course didn’t change, but what did
change was the wind. Anyone who’s biked with some effort on a windy day knows that wind is the main enemy of speed. And damn, its frustrating.
1 km in: Erik zooms by me at > 42 km/hr like I'm a toddler on a bike with training wheels.
wind itself wasn’t that strong, maybe 20-30 km/hr or so, and we knew it
was going to be a headwind on the way out. We do 2 loops of a 20km
course, so we get two sections of headwind (on the way out) and 2
sections of tailwind (on the way back). Right? Wrong again. As soon as I
reached the turnaround after averaging 33 km/hr in the headwind, I
thought “OK! Time to relax a bit in the tailwind”, fully expecting to do >40-42 km/hr on the way back, there was tailwind for maybe 5
mins on the way back and cross-wind/headwind that just sapped up all my
effort. The way back ended up only at 36.5 km/hr and after the first
loop, I began shaking my head as my hopes of having a competitive time
(1:05) for the 40k turned to dust!
Then, a familiar thing happened. My disc cover sticker fell apart on
one side. I remembered this happened in the Peterborough race. At first,
its just annoying as the paper flaps about and hits the frame, so i
thought “OK, its going to tear up and fly away in a bit, don’t worry”.
But it didn’t, it proceded to knock my speed sensor out of the way and I
was left with no speed readings. Still, no big deal...then it completely fell apart and
rolled itself at the hub rubbing against the wheel. Did it provide additional resistance? Did it
slow me down? For sure...but how much? Who knows.
Before the sticker fell apart and things went pear shaped... |
25 kms, I noticed my bike computer had paused on its own. Ah crap..the
perils of relying on technology. I had the “Auto Pause” on..which means
my computer stops automatically if it doesn’t sense any speed from the
wheel...and there was no way to adjust it unless i reset the workout.
More mental frustration. It kept turning on and off spontaneously every
time it sensed any sort of speed from my out-of-whack speed sensor.
Coupled with the headwind both ways, I lost touch with my legs between 25-35 kms.
Before... |
After.... |
Lesson learnt: No more fancy wheel cover stickers for me. Unless they’re professionally done!
i was a bit ticked off, but it didn’t bother me much, actually. What
did bother me was that my power goal was 220W, and I was struggling to
maintain 205W. My legs didn’t feel good in general, and I began to think
whether I screwed up the first run and went too hard. Something which I
never do. Still, during the bike ride, i didn’t know that the first run
was actually 10.4 km, so i didn’t think much of it and got my mind
ready for the run.
(In reality, I hadn’t come
under my 40min goal on the run by just 8 seconds, it was 8 seconds +
the time it took to cover the extra 0.4 km = 100 seconds!!)
actual riding time was 1:09:20, in headwind, an average of 34.6 km/hr,
which is pretty pathetic considering I put out 205W (i.e. power is
independant of wind). For reference, I went at 35.2 km/hr in a similar
Welland 90km flat course on just 191W. In a “short” race like this,
seconds matter and losing ~2-3 mins on just the bike leg is huge!
Distance: 39.5 kms
Time: 1:10:25 official time (1:09:13 moving time including mount/dismount run)
Moving Speed: 34.6 km/hr
My biking sucks! :(
Run 2
my bike, changed my shoes and shot out of transition eager to make up
some time. My legs felt ready to put down some hurt. Finally.
the familiar first 1k uphill in headwind, I told myself to keep it in
control and drop the hammer after 2.5 km. HR in check, I passed about
3-4 people here, and generally I looked in good shape compared to
everyone around me.
like Peterborough where I dropped my water bottle on the bike and
picked it up on the run, I started looking at the side of the road for
any indications of my cap that blew away in the first run. Yep, found it
at the 1 km mark. Funny how this works!
I saw some random girl in black glasses cheering for me....took me a
double-take to recognise it was Steph! “HI STEPH!”. Stephanie is my
only connection to my high school life in Paris, and the only other
person that made the trip to Carleton University from the cobbled
streets of Paris. We’ve come a long way! Thanks, Steph!
back to the race, at the little turnaround, the wind in my back and the
slight downhill propelled me forward and I picked off 2 more people.
After the aid station on the way back, I gulped some water
–the-wrong-way and nearly choked on myself. I gave a low-five to spur on
Adam Foley (a partner-in-crime) and set my sights on a particularly
stocky and long-strided athlete from USA. It was tough but I caught him
just before the last uphill with about 1 mile to go. On the uphill
though, he managed to hold on to me and we picked off at least 5 more
people here. Suddenly I was aware of a lot of huffing and puffing behind
me. I snuck a look back to see me leading all these 6 people (mostly US
athletes, and 1 from GB) trying their best to hang tight and reel me
Downhill time. This is where I win. I
opened the taps and covered the next 1 km in 3:35 mins. And thoroughly
crushed all ~4-6 people behind me. The crowds were deafening as I heard
cheers from supporting Canadians: “CATCH THEM, BAGGA!”. I saw 2 more
Americans up ahead. One more surge. Success.
now I was 150m from the finish and about to dry heave and coast home, then I hear this
roaring cheer from 3-4 Team Canada girls (who had already finished
their race), one of them being Garima! She recruited a cheering squad!! I
surged one last time just not to disappoint them and crossed the mat
with my hands in the air.
last mile was the best part of the race, seriously. The reason I love
this sport. To dig deep and come out of a dark place after nearly
redlining for 2 hours is awesome. Even though none of the people I
passed in that last mile were in my AG, we’re competing nonetheless.
were warned that the last run loop was a bit longer than the first run
loop due to the added length of the finishing chute, so it worked out to
be 5.25 km. No big deal.
Distance: 5.25 kms
Time: 20:37 mins
Pace: 3:55 min/km (15.3 km/hr)
Overall Time:
Overall Place: 157 of 496
AG Place: 17 of 22 in (M25-29).
was a crazy fast category. My 3:49 min/km pace in the first 10.4 km run
only netted me 18/22 in my AG by the time I got on the bike. The wind
hurt everyone, and I redeemed a couple of places in the last run . Humbing experience, for sure. Seriously...can’t you freakishly fast guys just turn pro and leave us
“slow-pokes” alone so we can win SOMETHING?
up with Adam, Susie (his wife), Garima, and Garima’s cheering squad friend:
Gill...and we shared our disappointment with the bike ride and exchanged
our tales like war-time stories!
we took our bikes, went home to get refreshed and headed out to meet
Steph and Kayla for a yummy Italian lunch (PIZZA, what else can you
expect from me?! :D)
No matter how the race turned out, how well we placed in ranking, how fast or slow we did the race, this was an epic experience. Now hopefully I can convince Garima to write something up about her race...!
Keep pedaling.