Saturday, 31 August 2013

Sisterly Love

I dont think I ever introduced you all to my sister properly in my previous here we go....*drum rolls* *curtain lifts*

Meet my sister - Riddhi Takyar, a 19 yr architecture student in Delhi, avid photographer, India enjoying (read sleepless nights on her course projects) her life in college. She is a very hard working student, truly passionate about architecture and thanking every moment in her life for not taking up engineering in college.
You can read more about her and her adventures in her blog: (yes looks like we both are into writing our thoughts/about our lives out for the world to read)

She recently visited me here in Toronto for a month and we both had the time of our lives. Some days we were fighting like cats, with Parichit becoming the mediator and then there were days when we both combined forces to annoy the hell out of Parichit.

The three of use went on numerour road trips, day trips alot of being to our race destinations. Just to name a few : the inevitable trip to Niagara falls where Parichit plunked ice cream on me, Welland, Niagara on the Lake, Blue Mountain, Gravenhurst etc. She was an amazing cheerer and somehow managed to sit through and cheer for all our races.

Now it is a known fact how much Parichit and I are into sports/fitness/being it should not be a surprise that we dragged Riddhi to the gym with us (she probably hated us for that!). But the end result of this torture on her were her two great accomplishments: she accepted the challenge of running in a 5K race and was also able to climb up the blue mountain hill. You guys have no idea, but things like this is truly against her usual habits/nature/

Inspite of our different habits we share alot of things in our personality: mood swings, goofy behaviour specially in public, constant need of attention etc etc

This trip created lasting memories of joy, laughter, tears and mood swings. I am so glad that she was able to come and visit me, be a part of my life in Canada and cant wait to see her again in Sept (vacations time baby!!!).

She is truly one of the people I know I can count upon during my low times and enjoy my good times with her.  love ya Rddhi!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww....thanks poochies!! I didn't see this one coming. I love you guys too!!!!
