So ...about more frequent updates. Yeah.
The news in this report is already kinda 1 month old, but here it
is anyway!
We usually kick off our sporting season with a few running races
in the spring. This year, there was 1 exception: no motivation!
Anyway, both of us sort of got real bad case of flu for most of
March 2014, so we expected to suffer a little bit and err on the side of
getting more rest than planned.
But first, Garima's mom arrived in town to visit us for 2 months!
W00t! She generally keeps active and accompanied us to the gym on most days,
Also, Garima's dad visited us for 10 days, so, it was like a little
family reunion. More on that in a separate post!
Anyway, onto ze races!
Yonge Street 10k
First up was Yonge Street 10k. My 3rd year doing this race and
just like last year, it was way too cold for April. Like 2C cold.
After the repeated frustration of missing the 38 min mark by a few
seconds over my last 6 attempts at this distance, I didnt expect much this year
because of the lack of training we've had. Garima was in the same boat, as her
shin splints were back, with a vengeance..and they prevented her from ever
getting into a rhythm once she started running.

With some blind luck and good pacing strategy though, I pulled off a 37:40!! Yay PB!
Garima didnt have a great race due to her shins, but she toughed
it out in 49:30, however, noting that its 3 mins off her time last year. More
work to do. Somehow I had folded into telling her that if I broke 38 mins, i'd
run the next 10k with the Sporting Life 10k in May was written off my
race calendar.
Overall Rank: 133 (out of 4067)
M25-29 Rank: 25 (out of 309)
Overall Rank: 1329 (out of 4067)
M25-29 Rank: 86 (out of 763)
Goodlife Marathon 2014
Being a wise-crack, I thought this year, it might be prudent to
race the half marathon instead of the full mary because I've run roughly half
the volume as last year.
My goal was to maintain a 4:00 min/km pace for a goal time between 1:24 and 1:25. Everything was on track till about 15km in!
Finish was a 1:26. Pretty good considering I actually passed ~10 people in these last hard 5 km, so I didnt blow up despite having some sections where I averaged ~4:40 min/km!!!
Overall Rank: 38 (out of 4067)
M25-29 Rank: 7 (out of 309)
Overall Rank: 38 (out of 4067)
M25-29 Rank: 7 (out of 309)
Sporting Life 10k 2014
So, since I promised Garima to run with her in Sporting Life 10k if I did well in the TYS 10k (which I did!)...we decided to run together in this one.
However, I decided to run to the start line (~8k) as a warm up to the race while Garima took the TTC. Then as I was running up to the start line, I never saw her bus go my me (or ANY BUS going in that direction), which left me perplexed and afraid that Garima didnt know where to get off.
I decided to wait for her at an intermediate stop 1 mile from the start line (don't ask why...!), while it turned out that she kept waiting for me at the start line!
Eventually, I ran to the start after the race already began! Garima's wave was scheduled to start 5 mins after the leaders but seeing 5,000 people coming at me flooding the sidewalks was scary!
In the end, I reached the start line after Garima had already started! When I glanced at her going the other way, I knew she was pissed and I was in trouble!!
By the time I reached the start line, all the 3rd wave had also started. This now meant I had at least 10,000 people ahead of me. I then had to SPRINT for the next 3 km, zig-zagging across the runners to catch up with Garima, which I covered in less than10 mins! I was pretty winded when I found her (don't know how I found her midst of 10,000 people!!)
Once I caught her, we were able to keep a smooth pace and I could motivate her to finish strong!
However, I decided to run to the start line (~8k) as a warm up to the race while Garima took the TTC. Then as I was running up to the start line, I never saw her bus go my me (or ANY BUS going in that direction), which left me perplexed and afraid that Garima didnt know where to get off.
I decided to wait for her at an intermediate stop 1 mile from the start line (don't ask why...!), while it turned out that she kept waiting for me at the start line!
Eventually, I ran to the start after the race already began! Garima's wave was scheduled to start 5 mins after the leaders but seeing 5,000 people coming at me flooding the sidewalks was scary!
In the end, I reached the start line after Garima had already started! When I glanced at her going the other way, I knew she was pissed and I was in trouble!!
By the time I reached the start line, all the 3rd wave had also started. This now meant I had at least 10,000 people ahead of me. I then had to SPRINT for the next 3 km, zig-zagging across the runners to catch up with Garima, which I covered in less than10 mins! I was pretty winded when I found her (don't know how I found her midst of 10,000 people!!)
Once I caught her, we were able to keep a smooth pace and I could motivate her to finish strong!
Then we got some really cool medals! Kudos to the organizers for coming up with such a great design:
Overall Rank: 1043 (out of 21751)
M25-29 Rank: 174 (out of 309)
(having that first 3 km in <10 mins, put my chip time for first 5k way faster than my overall time!)
Overall Rank: 1946 (out of 21751)
M25-29 Rank: 110 (out of 3022)
Up next was Binbrook Duathlon and Ride For Heart!
M25-29 Rank: 174 (out of 309)
(having that first 3 km in <10 mins, put my chip time for first 5k way faster than my overall time!)
Overall Rank: 1946 (out of 21751)
M25-29 Rank: 110 (out of 3022)
Up next was Binbrook Duathlon and Ride For Heart!
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